Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Deconstruction/Reconstruction of a music video Evaluation.

In seeing our final product we have created which is a recostruction of Ed Sheerans - A Team I believe that we stuck to the original concepts of the video in order to mimick it for our own project. The video originally is a short story- therefore in prducting a 30 second clip from it you cannot tell much and it is very minimal, so for next time I would suggest that as a group we pick something more challenging, the only reason that we couldn't was because we had to use storyboards that we did as research during the summer- and this was the only one that was possible for us to achieve. If we knew during the summer however that the music video's we chose to analyse and storyboard would be the ones that we had to deconstruct and reconstruct for media, i believe that we would have been able to pick something of which we could challenge ourselves but still achieve a well produced video at the end.

As a group, considering we didn't know each other before this task was set, we al got along very well. Character roles within the group were established very quickly and easily which meant we were able to get straght on with our work in order to meet deadlines and make the most of our lesson time. One improvement of the group i would say however is that even though we had specific group roles, i believe we would have benefitted more if we all chipped in and shared ideas throughout- which didnt happen very often and was left to individuals.

Another challenge of the video was also the editing. I personally have no experience at all on the editing suites, and therefore at this point i felt very iscolated from group members who knew what they were doing. We needed to achieve an edit over our shots which created a black and white filter on the video- as i didnt know what i was doing here i feel as though i was left behind, and in order to make sure my music video is of a high standard i need to improve my knowledge of the editing suites!

A positive of out video i believe was that we managed to stick as close to the shots in the Ed Sheeran video as possible. This is because of the locations we managed to find, and also the weather conditions that we managed to shoot in were very close to the original video. (As shown in the pictures)
In doing this task i have now realised how long the process of filming is going to take, this helps me as it means that i need to be organised and have a clear time structure of what filming will take place and when, in order to succeed with my own music video. Timing and structure of what to do in lessons is very important as you cannot run behind on things such as this- which is why i am going to make a more clear day to day plan of what will happen and when, when it comes to me producing my own video.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Video Diary Entries:

Wednesday 26th September:
Deconstruction and Reconstruction of A Media Text:
Today we had a talkthrough on the project we will be working on over the next week and also got into groups. We were told to get into groups of 5/6 so that everyone would have a role and responsability within the production of the 30 second music video. Our groups is:
Shoot 30 seconds of the 1 minute summer storyboard from someone within the group.
Ohe group and roles are:
Ruby Dearness - Camera
Aimee Bant - Producer
Beth Stansfield West - Editor
Chloe Carroll - Editor
Jodie Gibson - Director
Abbie Hastings - Cast
We also decided to use Jodie's storyboard of Ed Sheeran - A Team to make our 30 second music video.

Friday 28th September:
Today we planned out which 30 seconds of the video we wanted to film and planned out in our group the area's and locations that could be used to mimick the music video. We decided that using a park/large field would be appropriate as this is where the video itself is set. We then decided to go out with the camera to find a suitable location.

We found this location which is in the local area which would be suitable to use in our music video due to the large green open space and tree's which are also seen in several shots of the music video itsself. We decided then to find a location to film a shot. We decided that in this location the perfect shot to film would be the one where the female character pushes a tree branch away from her (00:33 seconds in). 

This is the setting we chose to use for the 'branch moving' shot at 00:33 seconds- the setting mimicks what is shown in the Ed Sheeran video- which can be seen in the image below.

This image shows how we have looked at the music video as well as the storyboard while filming to ensure that we can duplicate the shot in our video. We have also tried to mimick characters through use of costume.

I played the main girl in the music video. We tried to show this through the matching green coat and white top which is what the female in the Ed Sheeran video is wearing. We also decided that a messy hairstyle would work well as it links to the storyline of the girl living on the streets and stuggling to find somewhere to sleep on a night.

After we had established the location, costume and character- also the angles of which the shot needed to be filmed, we began shooting things for the music video itself.

This was during filming where we was all trying to work out the angle the camera should be placed at. This image shows how we all worked well as a group to help recreate the images in the music video and film shots that the audience would look at and instantly relate to the Ed Sheeran video.

After editing (the following week) this is the final shot we ended up with for this part of the video:

Monday(1st) / Tuesday(2nd):
We continued with filming the shots for the reconstruction of the video, we found this a challenge as we had to first of all find locations that were appropriate and matched the images we see in the actual video. I took some images of the locations that we decided to use to show the thought process put into it and why: 

Wednesday 3rd:
Today the weather wasn't appropriate for filming so we decided that in order to still be productive towards the video we would upload the shots we had filmed so far onto the editing suite. I haven't used one of these before and I have no idea of how to work them or what to do in order to edit the shots once they are on the programme on there. In order to progress and improve I need to ensure that i learn the basics so i can begin to teach myself of how to gain more knowledge of the programme. 

Friday 12th:
We decided that while the weather is good enough we should make the most of it to get our final shots for the video. This meant going to the locations of the shots to film these.