The image to the left shows Charlie who is doing the performance element of my music video. I have chosen charlie as he fits in with my target audience due to him being the same age and has a similar sort of look. Charlie has an earring- and as i have established in my audience research many people who are my target audience are attracted to piercings and tattoo's.
I have dressed charlie in a plain top and black hoodie so that he can stand out against the red projection over his face. The plain costume also ensures that the audience's eye isnt drawn away from the lip syncing which is importnat to the ares of the vidoe of which it's shown.
I have filmed Charlie in a medium close up so that you can see his mouth syncing in time with the song when these shots are shown- as audience feedback tells me that viewers believe the performance element is very importnat to the overall outcome of the video.
Thursday 6th December:
Today I spent my lesson on the editing suite. I have already uploaded the clips onto the software that i am using to create my video- so this lesson i made a start on fitting the lip syncing elements of the video to the song so that it fitted in with it. Ihave never edited before and therefore i needed to learn how to do this. All that needed doing was to cut the clip by dragging the length of the video to the place you want it to start and end in order to create a clip of the right length. I then found the point in the song where that specific clip fit and dragged and dropped it onto it. Once this had been done i turned the sound off from the clips that i had filmed so that the only audio the audience will hear is the soundtrack that is being lip synced to.
Tuesday 11th/Wednesday 12th December:
As i haven't begun filming my other shots for the video yet due to timing and availability i have begun editing the shots that are already uploaded onto the editing suite. Over these past couple of days i have altered the brightness and contrast in order to make the opening time lapse more bright and clear to show i better time difference and also changed the opacity. Because i filmed 2 seperate elements of the performance- one with a grey light and one with a red light i have overlayed them with each other on the editing suite and turned down the opacity on each of them to create a ghost like image for the performance element. This is relevant to my music video as the main male character is trying to find ways to be able to communicate and contact the female he is in love with- that we later find out is dead. The ghost like performance element relates to this as the only way the main male character can be reunited with her is to kill himself also- which he does at the end of the video. The red and grey/black lighting of the performance element symbolises the danger and passion in the video which is why i have also brightened up this shots to highlight and exsentuate this.
--I planned to film in the Christmas Holidays however all cameras were booked up, therefore filming will resume when we get back in the January term.--