Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Filming Day 1:

Tuesday 27th November 2012:
I booked the theatre space from 12:40 to 1:40 and used Charlie Banks and Harry Owen to help film the 'performance shots' that are in the video. I wanted to use the theatre as it has a large projector in the room that i could use to ceratre the red lighting over Charlies face when whe was singing. This symbolises danger and love and passion which are the key themes within my video.
Harry helped to do the audio that Charlie had to sing along to which ensured that the time was correct and the lip synching matched up to the song itself.
I filmed all of the shots using a tripod and the HD camera, i chose to film them in medium close up to show the emotion in the performance and to ensure the audience can see Charlie lip syncing.
I had to re shoot several shotsd due to bad timing and getting the lyrics wrong and I also decided to re film them in a grey lighting which is alternate to the prior red one i had shot.
The grey is symbolic of embptyness and lack of feeling in the character within my video's life.

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