I looked at existing albums in the rock and alternative rock genre to see what fonts they used and how the placing and structure of the writing was effective for use on that partcular text:

These are some of the albums that i looked at, and one thing they all have in common is that the title of each album is all written in capital which is something that i will take into account and use on my ancillary texts so that the audience can link my texts with other rock and rock alternative albums easily. All these albums use different fonts that are either bold or stand out from the text and catch your eye- either due to the use of colour of because of the font itself- for example to My Chemical Romance one is very linear and harsh, in comparison to the smooth edged and angles of the Nickleback font- which is effective as it helps the text break away from the plain grey background and catch your eye as an audience.
I looked onto 'DAFONT.COM' for inspiration on different font choices- these are some i particulary found appropriate for my ancillary texts:
These fonts are similar in ways to the ones in the examples above, and i particularly like the first one as i can make it bold and with my artist name only being short i will be able to stretch it as a banner accross the top centre of the ancillary texts. Because this is a simple font with no distracting pattern to it- i will have it in a light red colour which is symbolic of the love and death themes within my video to make it stand out and catch the audeince's attention.
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