Bring Me The Horizon - There Is A Hell Believe Me I've Seen It, There Is A Heaven Lets Keep It A Secret.
This is the digipack for hardcore rock band Bring Me The Horizon. The band target a similar audience to Enter Shikari- therefore looking at their digipacks of how they draw that audience in and catch their attention is something that i need to do so that i have a more clear understanding of what else on the market today and what the sales of my CD are up against. By doing this it ensures that i am targeting my audience in the correct way also and are engaging the audience with my album at first sight with something they can either relate to or are interested in.
The images i have found of their digipack contain a 'split personality' style about them. This is something i particularly like as it shows the audience the emotions conveyed and the key themes that will be apparent in the music on the album. Because i have multiple themes within my video i believe it would be a good idea to use a similar effect- and due to it being targeted at a similar audience i know that it would be a succesfull way to promote my digipack to my audience. A way i could do this without copying BMTH digipack could be through the use of colours, as colour theme is a constituent feature in my video and therefore it will need to also be as important on the digipack and the advertisment to create links between the two. This is something i need to explore further.
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